viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010


Said the one who drop some lines starting like Miss. Bridget Jhones

I´m just having my fun like Lindsay Lohan said after three lines of cocain

I ment social sex

social sex and white blow like the snow for the fancy people

we love money, we love whisky and social sex

I use to drive a green toyota

also use to smoke boots and drink tequila sunrise

one day I discover my cock as the instrument to become rich and famous

slept in beckham`s place and been in scotland´s palace

now Í have more than dental benefits

changed from green toyota to silver mercedes

move from detroit to beverly hills darling

everything a teenager can dream

so do I

but I´m not happy without my social sex you know?

I dreamt about minotauros and people living like cubans with green cash

I dreamt to visit galapagos and see big tarantulas and huge ants

but never dreamt been married with two children an a blond husband

I wanted to study law not poetry

I end up studing something in between

I screwed my self and sacrified passion

passion is what move us,

we are our passions

at the end of the day I´m you with a nicer mask

you´re the black guy with the nice body but your dickie is 5 inches less

If we become siluetes like Postal Service said

We don´t have to worry about drinking tought

what about drinking and some pills for the social sex?

again this freaking social sex... let me alone bitch!

I know you probably think I´m such a looser, freak-fan media whore

yet I don`t denied, I`m more than that...

I`m this writter with the nice butt and yellow tears after dark room

I´m this person fool of fame, shame and magic

Yo dunno what I felt when you wake up and didn´t make coffee

when you said fuck yourself and you stay quiet and visual

I`m not ment to please your social sex

I have better stuff to do with my life than be your toy butt

I`m ment to be deep tissue and make bubbles with my words

I´m you dictator and your pain

whorst nightmare you could ever imagine

said sorry for your misscarriage

I know you never wanted that child and you smoke and drink so it could died

You did it bitch

you did it wrong that enought

no more self fuckings like Niurka told the media

she is the emperor right?

I´m you Swarzeneger, governor by Satan

Your my bitch, my capricornio, an easy game to play

the A B C of love and sanity want you to repeat some spell to devils and saints

so bring your pictionary and write this words:


martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

F . R . E . N . C . H . & . B . I . T . C . H . Y. m.o.o.d.c.e.s.o.i.r.

Si vous comprenez mon bitchy mood ce soir
c´est parce que vous probablement grew up in my fucked up middle society generation
si vous pensez que heroin is tacky and mia top model should be alive
that god is for weak loosers and aids is ok
and vous préférez paye le criminal sur la rue que le parking lot financed by big companies
vous êtes just my soulmate man
Si vous graduate from college and vous still own half of what you don´t even understand
Si vous avez credit cards wich are full and you can´t find the way to buy your cocain
Vous avez suck so many cocks so you can remember the flavor de l´amour
vous comprenez how je feel
Je feel you know!
Je feel that god doesn´t make a decent place for moi sur le king size bed
Je feel fat all the time
and Je eat carbs when je suis depressed
45 min after je throw off and I run for almost an hour
then je sent très bien and j´apelle un de mon sex buddies
to fuck moi hard from mon derriere
Je spent years feeling so guilty to like come
to use my tight ass to find pleasure and make some dirty cash
for moi and some cristian friends it wasn´t natural
until je find so much good in my inner side
fountains of expression make me surreal
Je comprend god give nous anal sex to find peace and hope
J´aime just one as vouz can see
so deeply inloved, so much pain
it last one minute but is whort it and i´ll do it one thousand oceans such as Tori Amos dit
Maintencance je sent très thrifty and seche
Si vous comprendez moi monsieur
please pray for forgiveness and drop some coins in Milan for moi
demande à Venus si elle pouvez give me some hope in future and joyeaux
Je deserve to live among others like moi
parce que je suis très fatigue daller against the walls looking for glory holes.

It´s just one sprinke in your face

When you finish a nice degree that´s never gonna help to bring food to your tacky table
then drop your job because you went to paris to find what everybody says is infalible
love and glamour...
your boyfriend left you because you´re not good enought in sex and money
your best friends avoid listening at you cuz they are way to focused in their useless art
never good for living
but yet sex and beauty is whort it in this vanitiy society
is time to say good bye to those who loved you and bring you to life
become an earthy greenpeace gymbory boy scout and go to the jungle finding a real meaning for your easy life
it´s not about the nice fair trade cofee you buy in a cafeteria by Machupichu
not even about living a month in a poor community helping the guys with the corn
it´s about real meaning and peace
find yourself in a can of diet coke and don´t think how sure is if it´s diet or not
calories are like neurons
the less you have the dumbest you become
we´re in a contest of success and unhapiness
promoting media values that scratch our society in pieces of selfishness and cocain
we need heroes to became a happy world such as Aldous Huxsley wrote
but this poem is not about changing the world
the humanity is dead and poor of soul
this is about you dealing with the guy in the penthouse with a nice swimming suit
it´s about stoping having sex for 1 month because your cock deserves a brake
you´re so bored, so lonely and depress that search for fresh juicyu meat is your satisfaction
we are ment to find peace in our heart
let´s eat vegetables and watch love stories
let´s play like kids and smell vic vaporrup
vic wasn´t made to put it in your hole to get more turn on...
such as popper is not ment to use for open it and recieve the 12 inches cock you watch in
there´s more in life than porn and crack
we need to stay quiet until we think what´s the best to say in any circumstance
so for now on, until we find a job and a quiet sin
let´s look for work instead of men trought the mornings
let´s make nice food full of rice and avocado
and let´s smoke a joint with the ones we love the most
let´s laught with life and not of them who have it whorst
one day we become proud persons who enjoy life and sex
without poppers, drugs or pork
until then... keep smiling in a real way
perhaps lots of time life sucks and we have to find the way to deal with the sprinke in your face.

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

Sueños blancos

Un vaso de leche deslactosada postrado en la esquina de la mesita de lagrimas verdes
vigila mis sueños cansados
sueño que he despertado de un sueño y despues despierto al otro, olvido el número
un laberinto tortuoso del que no logró salir
hasta forzarme la mente y abrir los ojos
tomar leche para aliviar el temor
somos nuestras pasiones
irrevocables e irrenunciables
si la mía es escribir y la tuya fue creer en la humanidad
la de otros sera fornicar por detraz y creer encontrar el amor a travez de metáforas subersivas
Tenemos odio hacia nosotros mismos
nos manifestamos de maneras detalladas
una crítica destructiva, un oido sordo, encender la televisión y no hacer nada al saber que millones de hermanos mueren de nuestra causa
la indiferencia es la gran enfermedad del siglo XX
nuestro lepra que ha envenenado corazones de recién nacidos y sordos
si dios tuviera cólera y existiera
enviaría aniquilarnos con tormentas y fuegos
enviaría a la humanidad enmohecida en su propia mierda al fondo de la tierra
un infierno súbito que consumiera nuestros huesos
somos huesos de acerrín que lo único que tienen son pasiones y manías
la tuya fue destruirte con fé ciega
la mía destruirme con reflexiones obsesivas en el recuerdo
no sirve de nada recordar porque tu vida se acaba
estancas todo, y todo se convierte en nada
un mar blanco en cegera blanca como esa que describe Saramago
temo por mi y por ti
por el mundo entero que vigila nuestros actos
hemos traicionado al cielo y merecemos repetir nuestra vida una y otra vez como un sueño del que se cree haber despertado
talvez un día cuando despiertes te des cuenta de lo apasionado que estuviste en tus pecados
y decidas matarte de una buena vez
muere en suicidio profundo, dormitando y sonriendo despierto
loco estás mejor.